Friday, January 2, 2009

Real Life Recruiting - a new year's resolution

Hi, all. My name is Frank Vincent Viarra and I am the owner of a recruiting company called Real Life Recruiting in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I decided to start a blog because the industry in which I work everyday is people and I know people are a curious sort. Plus, maybe someone out there is interested in me!

Ultimately, I would like this to be a place where I can vent, rant, possibly inspire, but really to inform any and all readers of our goings on. I'm hoping this will be a place you'll enjoy and check back often. Also, I invite you to visit our website, especially if you are in the market for a job or employees.

Since people are my business and people make up a community, the thought occurred to me that if I really wanted to help people, I ought to help the community. This was my new year's resolution and I'm determined to stick with it. I figured blogging was getting quite popular and so why not jump the bandwagon. 

Any comments, questions or suggestions can be brought to my attention via Thanks for reading!

- Frank

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