Thursday, January 29, 2009

What Goes Up Must Come Down

There is so much talk about the economy and unemployment right now, in every facet of news media; online, newspapers, TV, general conversation… And I agree, it’s been very tough. There is one thing you can count on though, when things are bad. “Bad” is relative; in order to have bad, there must somewhere be “good”. And I promise to show you a glimpse of the good.

I want to make one more point before I let you in on the only good thing about this situation. It’s the fact that things often get worse before they get better. And I think we are in the worse phase, which also has its good and bad. At least things will be getting better, sooner than they were six months ago. At this point, we are closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.

So, where is this good I speak of? Well, it’s actually a law of science; what goes up must come down. When the unemployment rate rises, (and especially with our current economic situation), government officials are frenziedly trying to find a way to create jobs and help the economy get back on track. So the unemployment rate will come back down. Now I realize this doesn’t help at the moment but it will eventually get better. And when it does, more jobs will be available than they otherwise would have been and people will be getting jobs left and right. 

Something else you may not have thought of: people retire and get fired everyday. There are jobs out there. Think about all the baby boomers that will be retiring in the near future, they’ll have to be replaced. And even if the company waits while this recession is going on, those positions will need to be filled at some point. 

I think the phrase of the day becomes hang on, dear job seekers! If you’ve made it this far, you’re going to make it. And it’s only a matter of time. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

- Frank Viarra

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Thought for a New Week Real Life Recruiting Style

It occurred to me, over the weekend, that maybe I am not the only person in the office that knows this business and wants to say something. That is why I’ve decided to let anyone from the company who has a great blog thought, to blog. Besides, they say that diversifying is the way to go; no? 

So, my readers, don’t be surprised if you see co-workers’ names at the end of the blogs; they may just happen to have a better idea than me. And it would be counter-productive and just plain stupid of me to squash their creative juices. 

Now, as there are disclaimers with most things, I have to say that I don’t necessarily agree with, promote and/or accept what my fellow co-workers may have to say. I am, however, trusting their judgment not to get me into too much trouble.

 So, see you around. Possibly later, rather than sooner. 

- Frank Viarra

Monday, January 19, 2009

Introducing, Real Life Recruiting

Real Life Recruiting and I, Frank, will be attending the Las Vegas Job Fair that's being held on March 4, 2009 from 11:00am - 3:00pm at the Texas Station Casino and Hotel. 
This is important because I know a lot of my followers will want to be there or be square. We will be there to hire for Real Life Recruiting as well as to sign you up for our services! If you are in need of a job or in need of great people for your company, stop by and see us!

I think job fairs are so important and, more importantly, extremely vital when in the market for a job, (pardon the pun). They really give you good experience in talking, introducing and meeting people from various industries and backgrounds. Plus, as you're walking out, you'll start to feel a sense of accomplishment which is sometimes lacking while job seeking; you'll feel like you might actually find a job. 

And you will! Thats another reason why job fairs are so great. They give you a chance to meet tons of hiring managers which allow you to feel more comfortable in an interview situation. So even if nothing comes from your time there, experience has still been gained. 

Speaking of your time there - another good thing is the fact that spending just an hour or two is worth it! Hundreds of currently hiring businesses get your resume! Try filling out applications online for jobs; you won't get more than four or five done in the same amount of time...

Well, I need to get back to work finding work for people. Don't forget to visit Real Life Recruiting!

- Frank Viarra

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Myths About Temporary Positions

At Real Life Recruiting, we get a lot of apprehension about the temporary positions we offer and so I’ve decided to debunk some myths about them. Firstly, there are a lot of good qualities about landing a temporary position versus a “permanent” or “real” job. And let me say that by permanent, I mean semi-permanent because no job is truly forever, unless you are the owner of a company like myself, (not to throw that in your face or anything). Secondly, by “real” job, most people mean what they went to school for or have an interest in pursuing. And if you subscribe to that way of thinking then you really won’t find a job, not in this market anyway. Isn’t a real job something that pays the bills and gives you peace of mind? If not, it should be. 

Good Quality #1 – Temporary positions give you a job when you need one; allowing you to take home a real paycheck. Businesses are always looking to fill entry-level positions and like the adjective states, anyone can perform these entry-level jobs. Also, there are plenty of jobs that have non-business hours which help the person needing to work only while their young children are in school.

Good Quality #2 – These positions allow you to work exactly where you want to work. Since they are widely available, you get to pick and choose the position, location, etc. instead of having only a few to choose from. 

Good Quality #3 - If you are looking for a job because you’ve decided to change careers, temporary positions are actually perfect for discovering which career you are interested in. Case in point; my sister-in-law, upon graduation, worked in a law firm as a temp position only to find out she hated it! She saved a lot of money by not going to law school.

Good Quality #4 – You are working. Seems obvious but let’s recap the benefits to actually working. 1. No gaps in your employment history. 2. Resume-building skills can be added once you learn them via your job or in your spare time. 3. Less stress - since finding a job is a job, a temp position relieves the financial burden while trying to find your ideal job. 

Good Quality #5 – That temporary position leads to the get-your-foot-in-the-door factor. If your temp job is in, (or develops into) the industry in which you eventually want to work, you automatically have a leg up above all other applicants when the position you want becomes available. And as much as you may not like it, most companies like to hire from within. 

- Frank Viarra

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting a Job is Hard – Don’t Make it Harder!

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We’ve all heard the saying, “Finding a Job is a Full Time Job”. And how true it is. You may think that simply typing the position you want to have into a job board will yield your future employers name, but if that’s your idea of finding a job, then you’ll probably be out of a job for longer than even you imagined. 

I’m not trying to say that this doesn’t work; it can. But here’s a tip for you. Try researching said position to see if it could really be called by another title or if there is any way to work your way up to that position. Especially in this economic environment, it is increasingly difficult to find a job, let alone the job you want, in the city you want, and all the rest of it. 

Too many times we stop short of the tactics we should be using because of frustration. But that won’t get you anywhere! You have to keep on trucking because, like above, it takes time to get a job.  Another tip for the job seeker, and I’m not trying to toot my own horn, is to hook up with some kind of staffing firm. I mean, let’s be honest, who better to know all of the job openings and potential job openings in your area. Staffing agencies are very connected in the community and have contacts that you need and want but could only hope of getting. 

Wait! You can get those connections. They become your connections, your entrance into a vast database of hiring managers, HR personnel and, at last, open positions! So, go forth – you’ve got work to do!

-Frank Viarra

Friday, January 2, 2009

Real Life Recruiting - a new year's resolution

Hi, all. My name is Frank Vincent Viarra and I am the owner of a recruiting company called Real Life Recruiting in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I decided to start a blog because the industry in which I work everyday is people and I know people are a curious sort. Plus, maybe someone out there is interested in me!

Ultimately, I would like this to be a place where I can vent, rant, possibly inspire, but really to inform any and all readers of our goings on. I'm hoping this will be a place you'll enjoy and check back often. Also, I invite you to visit our website, especially if you are in the market for a job or employees.

Since people are my business and people make up a community, the thought occurred to me that if I really wanted to help people, I ought to help the community. This was my new year's resolution and I'm determined to stick with it. I figured blogging was getting quite popular and so why not jump the bandwagon. 

Any comments, questions or suggestions can be brought to my attention via Thanks for reading!

- Frank